Halo Horror Story Level

  • Year: Summer 2023

  • Role: Solo Dev

  • Engine: Halo Infinite Forge

  • Concept: A Story-based psychological horror map

  • What is it? This is a 3-layered team deathmatch map where 2 teams battle it out on top of 2 large Grunt Mechas!

  • Process:

    • This project took quite a lot of time and is one that I am probably the most proud of. This was the first time I ever used this engine, so most of this was quite the learning experience for me

    • I started this project off by doing a ton of research to see if the general style i wanted for the setting was even possible. After doing some digging, I found other maps that recreated a modern room and other locations which encouraged me to create this map.

    • I then went off to create the paper map for the map,  which I made look like a spartan’s dog tag to tie in thematically with the map, and a general storyboard for each story beat

    • Once that was done, I put in a lot of time getting the feel for the map down in grey boxing. Considering that the player is going to be doing a lot of backtracking, it was important that this part felt right

    • After the grey boxing was finished, I was left with making the props. Considering that Halo Infinite does not have many assets that were modern furniture, and with no ability to import assets from outside of the engine, I had to make all of these assets from scratch. For instance, the couch was made from several sandbags for the cushions, blocks for the base, and paper cups for the legs

    • (fun fact, this level uses the paper cup asset well over 500 times. See how many cups you can spot!)

    • After prop creation, I made several identical levels with slight changes to the set dressing. This was so that I could capture the sort of horror from a space changing and not acting like it should around you.

    • Finally came adding in the special fx, sounds, the outdoors section, the notes, filming, and editing it all together (the engine isn’t actually capable of having cutscenes or sending the player to another level, so I had to fake it).

Halo Horror Story Level

  • Year: Summer 2023

  • Role: Solo Dev

  • Engine: Halo Infinite Forge

  • Concept: A Story-based psychological horror map

  • What is it? This is a 3-layered team deathmatch map where 2 teams battle it out on top of 2 large Grunt Mechas!

  • Process:

    • This project took quite a lot of time and is one that I am probably the most proud of. This was the first time I ever used this engine, so most of this was quite the learning experience for me

    • I started this project off by doing a ton of research to see if the general style i wanted for the setting was even possible. After doing some digging, I found other maps that recreated a modern room and other locations which encouraged me to create this map.

    • I then went off to create the paper map for the map,  which I made look like a spartan’s dog tag to tie in thematically with the map, and a general storyboard for each story beat

    • Once that was done, I put in a lot of time getting the feel for the map down in grey boxing. Considering that the player is going to be doing a lot of backtracking, it was important that this part felt right

    • After the grey boxing was finished, I was left with making the props. Considering that Halo Infinite does not have many assets that were modern furniture, and with no ability to import assets from outside of the engine, I had to make all of these assets from scratch. For instance, the couch was made from several sandbags for the cushions, blocks for the base, and paper cups for the legs

    • (fun fact, this level uses the paper cup asset well over 500 times. See how many cups you can spot!)

    • After prop creation, I made several identical levels with slight changes to the set dressing. This was so that I could capture the sort of horror from a space changing and not acting like it should around you.

    • Finally came adding in the special fx, sounds, the outdoors section, the notes, filming, and editing it all together (the engine isn’t actually capable of having cutscenes or sending the player to another level, so I had to fake it).

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Email: s.schenck33@gmail.com