Title: Third Place
Team Members: Solo Dev
Software: RPGMaker XP
Description: Third Place is a JPRG game that focuses more on exploration, quests, dialogue, and quest item gathering than turn-based combat or stat/party management. It is a surreal, liminal RPG maker game where you talk to strange, funny, creepy, and off-putting characters in even stranger environments. Inspired by the likes of ENA, Disillusion ST, and Undertale. The game was made for game-a-week as part of the Wildcard theme
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Title: Baking Buffoonery
Team Members: Solo Dev
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A Baking game where you only have one hand, difficult controls, a time limit, and physics-based baking ingredients. Inspired by games like QWOP and Surgeon Simulator. The game was made for game-a-week as part of the Muffin theme
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Title: Hit or Miss
Team Members: Solo Dev
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A puzzle game where you have to reverse the entropy of a single bullet to hit multiple targets. Gameplay was inspired by games like Portal and Anti-chamber and the concept was inspired by the movie TENET. The game was made for game-a-week as part of the Reverse theme
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Title: Baking Buffoonery
Team Members: Solo Dev
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A Baking game where you only have one hand, difficult controls, a time limit, and physics-based baking ingredients. Inspired by games like QWOP and Surgeon Simulator. The game was made for game-a-week as part of the Muffin theme
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Title: Debug
Team Members: Solo Dev
Software: Card Game
Description: A 1 player card game about debugging code. The player is given a set of 3 cards, that act as the bugged code, and they have to add, subtract, match, and/or replace the cards in a given time limit.
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Title: Draftpunks
Team Members: Boone Olvierio (Designer), Ness Hernandez (Artist, Character Designer), Ryland Kealey (Artist, Designer), Jessup Rolfs (Designer), and Sophie Schenck (Artist, Designer)
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A 4-player chess-basketball fusion board game where each player fights over 2 balls in order to get them into their holes. Players are given the option of picking which players they want from a lineup, all with their own unique abilities and traits.
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Title: Genre Discussion 7: Horror
Description: A discussion post where I analyzed what makes good horror games and what makes a bad horror game, mechanically speaking.
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Title: Genre Discussion 3: Stealth
Description: A discussion post where I analyzed what makes good stealth games and what makes a bad stealth game, mechanically speaking.
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Title: Halo Horror Level Preproduction
Description: A preproduction document that includes a paper map, influences, asset list, story, etc for the level. As well as an early milestone video that shows the spreadsheet, more research done for my level, and a storyboard showing the timeline of events
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Title: Grunt Gundam Level Pre Production
Description: A preproduction document that includes a paper map, concpet art, asset list, story, etc for the level. As well as an early milestone video that shows the spreadsheet, and more research done for my level
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Title: DrawShot
Team Members: Lucas Foxworthy (Lead Programmer), Kyle Suttie (Designer), Kyler Burson (Designer), Zaki Habul (Composer), Pierson Mcnelly (Programmer), Sophie Schenck (Level Designer, Artist)
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A 4-player party game where each player fights over one golf ball. Players must rush and clash against their friends as they try to get the ball into their own hole. The game was made during Global Game Jam 2024 as part of the Make Me Laugh theme.
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Title: Draftpunks
Team Members: Boone Olvierio (Designer), Ness Hernandez (Artist, Character Designer), Ryland Kealey (Artist, Designer), Jessup Rolfs (Designer), and Sophie Schenck (Artist, Designer)
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Description: A 4-player chess-basketball fusion board game where each player fights over 2 balls in order to get them into their holes. Players are given the option of picking which players they want from a lineup, all with their own unique abilities and traits.
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Title: Project Wardog Art Orientation Video
Description: During Production Studio 1 on Project Wardog, I was the art lead and I had to make a video to help onboard the artists. The video covers how to post and upload art, how to keep the team updated on progress, how Trello works, how work logs work, what the fundementals and principles of art were (some of artists lacked this knowledge, so the team lead told me to include this information), how to view what we're drawing as artists, and how to use the software we're going to be using.
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Title: Halo Infinite Forge Tutorial
Description: I created this tutorial video on how to use almost every aspect of Halo Infinite Forge
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Email: s.schenck33@gmail.com